
The National Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility Accreditation (NORFA) is a 100% minority-owned company that provides the most competitive and stringent accreditation services in the physical therapy (PT), occupational therapy (OT), and speech-language pathology (ST) rehabilitation industries. These ancillary models are the most common therapy services utilized in a patient plan of care.

Founded and headquartered in Texas in 2009, NORFA offers two types of services-accreditation surveys for federal outpatient therapy facilities (OPTs) and certification surveys for general (PT/OT/ST) rehabs, federal Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (CORFs), and independent PT/OT/ST therapists.  OPT/CORFs and independent therapists/general rehabs form two of the three major PT/OT/ST delivery models in the United States.

The NORFA Accreditation process is the most rigorous program in the country for PT, OT and ST rehabs. NORFA not only follows all federal CMS and state Medicaid Conditions of Participation, but has instituted 11 additional Best Practice Standards based on 25 years of industry development.

The NORFA Certification Program specializes in PT/OT/ST rehabilitation best practice and patient safety standards.

NORFA sets the benchmark for PT/OT/ST rehabilitation facilities by utilizing a pool of clinically trained surveyors and a peer-review based approach to accreditation. The result-an unmatched standard of excellence for the PT/OT/ST rehab industry.

Moreover, NORFA guarantees a policy of affordability for these types of rehabs. The company strives to reach underserved communities-those populations most in need of reliable, astute therapy care. NORFA now represents more than two dozen fully accredited facilities in every time zone in the continental United States.


Media Contact/ NORFA Inquiries:

Bianca Brosh, NORFA Communications Director

Office: 1.888.31NORFA (66732)

Cell:      917.623.4788

Email: Bianca.Brosh@norfa.info

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